This booklet is a short reflection on the life and leadership of D E Hoste who succeeded Hudson Taylor as leader of China Inland Mission (now OMF International) and led this movement for over 30 years. "The title comes from the fact that Hoste was determined that his name and reputation would be subsumed under the desire to see Jesus get all the honour for everything." (Quotes by Ajith Fernando.)
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Japan is known for its natural beauty, distinctive culture, and advanced technology; there is much to admire. It is a land that leaves memorable first impressions. But beneath the surface, there is much to wrestle with. This booklet will help you to move beyond those first impressions to engage with the stories and concerns of Christians in Japan. It is these concerns, and the knowledge that fewer than 1% of Japanese people know Jesus. that have led OMF and Pioneers to produce this prayer booklet.
Among the hundreds of letters of sympathy received after the death of our dear ones, John and Betty, very many wrote especially of Betty’s poems, and expressed the hope that they might be put out in book form. To assemble these for publication presented many difficulties, but gradually we have been able to collect more than eighty, written for the most part during eight busy student years, and reflecting in lighter vein as well as in more serious mood her love for nature and her deep heart experiences.
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This little book, designed to lead the seeking Bible reader into the very presence of God, is one of the lasting legacies of Hudson Taylor. In the obvious power of the Holy Sprit, he has unveiled the deep secrets of true intimacy with Jesus in the simplest of language. The symbol and imagery of the Song of Songs is too often neglected or misunderstood. How many of us have given up in bewilderment, trying to find the richness of meaning hidden in the figurative language? “How can I understand unless someone explains it to me…” It is safe to say that these pages will deeply satisfy all those who ask this question. To those who knew Hudson Taylor, these pages flowed right out of his everyday life. He lived what he explains here. Even more than his words, his walk with Jesus declared that he really understood intimacy with God, and the fruit of his life proved it. Also available for your Nook.