NOTE: The resources on this page & under this tab are printed in chinese, utilizing the simplified character, unless noted otherwise.
Smyrna Resource Center - Bible Training Videos
Smyrna Resource Center produces high quality teaching videos that cover most of the content of the Bible. The teaching is done by leading Chinese seminary professors and pastors and is designed for training church leaders and lay people in China as well as in Chinese Churches around the world. They have produced 17 different series so far that include a number of book studies and topical studies, like Church History, Family Life, Basic Doctrine, and How to Read the Bible for all it's Worth. All are in VCD format--and can be watched on any computers and some DVD players.
士每拿培訓資料中心製作高品質培訓影視教材現已幾乎涵蓋全本聖經。各課程由華人神學院教授及牧者等講授,特別為訓練中國各地傳道人和世界各地華人教會中有心學習的弟兄姊妹。目前已出版17套(即將出版第18套啟示錄), 其中包括以下一些主題系列,如教會歷史、家庭生活、基本要道、聖經導讀等。這些課程作成VCD光碟,可在電腦及DVD放映機放映。
CLICK HERE to visit Smyrna Resource Center
士每拿培訓資料中心製作高品質培訓影視教材現已幾乎涵蓋全本聖經。各課程由華人神學院教授及牧者等講授,特別為訓練中國各地傳道人和世界各地華人教會中有心學習的弟兄姊妹。目前已出版17套(即將出版第18套啟示錄), 其中包括以下一些主題系列,如教會歷史、家庭生活、基本要道、聖經導讀等。這些課程作成VCD光碟,可在電腦及DVD放映機放映。
CLICK HERE to visit Smyrna Resource Center
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